maintained and curated by Jeroen Sondervan and Jeff Pooley, and in close collaboration with the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS). The site aims to inform about and promote open access publishing in the field of media studies.
A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. At Internet Archive you can also borrow books (in different digital formats) for two weeks, up to five books at a time.
Project Gutenberg offers over 57,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which copyright has expired.
An online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis.
a free, community-led digital archive for media, film, and communication research (hosted on the Open Science Framework). We provide a non-profit platform for media, film, and communication scholars to upload their working papers, pre-prints, accepted manuscripts (post-prints), and published manuscripts. The service is open for articles, books, and book chapters. The mission of MediArXiv is to open up media, film, and communication research to a broader readership and to help build the future of scholarly communication.
stands for Fachinformationsdienst Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (based in Frankfurt am Main). The Publishing module provides open access publication services for scholars, institutions, and publishers in the field of Comparative Literature.
is a free and open digital archive built by CERN and OpenAIRE, enabling researchers to share and preserve research output in any size, format and from all fields of research.
Produces readers, monographs and artists’ books as well as journals focusing on contemporary cultural production and reception. Located in Berlin, Archive Kabinett is both a library/bookshop showcasing a selected range of printed matters, and simultaneously a space for lectures, screenings and exhibitions.
Specialized in contemporary art books, photography, theory, architecture & design. […] We work exclusively with a range of publishers who are specialists in their respective fields.
Seit 1980 ist der Buchladen im Kreuzberger Mehringhof ansässig, 1984 erhielt er den Namen Schwarze Risse. Von Anfang an verstanden wir uns als Teil einer linken Öffentlichkeit und Infrastruktur in der Stadt. Wir sind noch immer ein selbstverwaltetes Kollektiv.
Another Country is an English Language Second Hand Bookshop, which is mostly used as a library. We have about twenty thousand books that you can buy or borrow. You simply pay the price of a book, which you get back, minus a 1,50 Euro charge, should you choose to return it. Another Country is also a club which hosts readings, cultural events, social evenings, film nights and many other things.
Bücher aus und über Italien in deutscher und italienischer Sprache; schöne Literatur aus vielen Kulturen; ausgesuchte Bilder- und Kinderbücher. Und wir bestellen für Sie jedes neu lieferbare Buch.
Wir haben die Stadtlichter im Oktober 2010 in Neukölln eröffnet. Mit Optimismus und ein paar Ideen hielten wir es für denkbar eine Buchhandlung auch in Zeiten des Online-Handels zum Erfolg zu führen. Unsere Idee war es, das zu bieten, was sowohl der Online-Handel, als auch die großen Filialisten nicht leisten können. Eine anregende Auswahl, ein gepflegtes Sortiment und Kenntnis der angebotenen Titel, sowie kompetente Beratung.
Neben einem breiten Sortiment an deutschsprachigen Büchern auch viele englische Bücher führt. […] Ganz nebenbei und mit vollem Herzblut sind wir zudem die einzige deutsch-polnische Buchhandlung in Berlin und bieten eine umfangreiche Auswahl polnischer Bücher aus verschiedenen Bereichen […].
The largest selection of new & used English books in Neukölln. Curious Fox hosts a regular poetry evening on the first Tuesday of every month, called "Isn't Everything Poetry?".
Our circa 15,000 collection of second-hand, English-language titles covers a wide range of fiction and non-fiction genres, including the classics, literature in translation, detective fiction, modern literary fiction, women's fiction, sci-fi, travelogues, history, memoirs, cultural theory, philosophy, gardening, cookery - and a great deal more.
Für alle, die es noch nicht wissen: er existiert schon seit 1978, seit einer Zeit, in welcher die Homobewegung tatsächlich noch in ihren Kinderschuhen steckte, oder vielmehr anfing, erst krabbeln und dann laufen zu lernen. Aus einem Szene-Treff und Kristallisationspunkt schwuler politischer Aktivisten und West-Berliner Intelligenzia, Literaturliebhaber, selbsternannten Diven und Klatschtanten, die maßgeblich die schwule Kulturlandschaft des heutigen Berlins mit-geprägt haben, wurde schnell eine Fachbuchhandlung mit Schwerpunkt Homosexualität.
Die schwankende Weltkugel ist eine Fachbuchhandlung für Kritik und Alltag. […] Ihr findet bei uns viele linke Zeitschriften und Broschüren, die es am Kiosk nicht zu kaufen gibt. Die Weltkugel ist außerdem Drehscheibe für Flugblätter, Infomaterial, Plakate und Bustickets zur nächsten Demo.
We endeavour to remain a used bookstore with regular hand-picked, second-hand shipments from the UK. We purchase our own used books back from customers at half price for store credit, we do also buy books for credit(+) or cash(-).
Seit dem Gründungsjahr 1998 wagen wir, ein ausgewählt literarisches Sortiment zu führen und uns nicht dem Diktum vermuteter Marktbedürfnisse inklusive der Bestsellerlisten zu beugen. Frisch fröhliche Quersubventionierung ohne Bestsellerstapel und ohne straighten Fokus auf Umsatz und Rendite.
Offers a selected assortment of magazines and readings from around the world. The spectrum ranges from fashion, photography and art, through architecture, interior and design to cultural matters and society. We provide advice, research and compile your personal assortment.
More than thirty years ago, Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz GmbH was established in a former car repair shop, located in the massive brick viaduct underneath the tracks of the Berlin S-Bahn. [...] The store is especially famous for its broad and excellent in depth selection of books on the arts, on architecture, on fashion and on film.
♦ an online bookshop with a wide range of books, it donates 75% of its profit to social, cultural and ecological projects
Mit 75% unseres Gewinns unterstützen wir soziale, kulturelle oder ökologische Projekte. [...]Buch7 st ein leistungsfähiger Onlineshop mit vielen verfügbaren Artikeln, kurzen Lieferzeiten, vergleichbaren Preisen und dem passenden Service.Zusätzlich dazu bieten wir Ihnen noch unseren speziellen Bonus: Bei jedem Einkauf unterstützen Sie wohltätige Projekte. Der Gewinn liegt nicht nur bei, sondern mindestens genauso sehr bei vielen sozialen Projekten, die ohne solche Unterstützung gar nicht realisiert werden könnten.
Buying directly from Zed helps to keep us independent, which means we can keep publishing alternative analysis and marginalised voices. If all the titles are in stock your order can take from 0 to 2 days before it is marked as dispatched. In the event of a title not being in stock we will create a back order that will charge and dispatch the items when they are available.
Was founded in 1936, when James Laughlin (1914–1997), then a twenty-two-year-old Harvard sophomore, issued the first of the New Directions anthologies. “I asked Ezra Pound for ‘career advice,’” James Laughlin recalled. “He had been seeing my poems for months and had ruled them hopeless. He urged me to finish Harvard and then do ‘something’ useful.”
An independent publisher of radical, left‐wing non‐fiction books. Established in 1969, we are one of the oldest radical publishing houses in the UK, but our focus remains making timely interventions in contemporary struggles.
Libraries in Berlin
Libraries in Berlin
Below a list of libraries in Berlin, sampling the mega-library, the university library and the multi-functional public library. Places to study, to do research, to hang out, to attend workshops, leisure places and work places.
As the largest scientific universal library in Germany, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage) is a central supplier of national and international literature. More than 11 million volumes of printed material alone have accumulated since the library was founded in 1661. The collection comprises over 2.2 million additional printed works and other, often unique, materials in the special collections – these include western and oriental manuscripts, music autographs, estates and deposits, personal collections, maps, and historic newspapers. The library’s collection also contains more than 10 million microforms and, in the picture library, over 12 million motifs. Furthermore, a constantly increasing number of databases and other electronic resources complement the collection. The quality of its collections and its diverse services characterise the special prestige of the library worldwide.
How to get there from BCB
Find your way to S+U Pankow. From there get on the U2 for 20 minutes or the S2 for about 15 minutes to Potsdamer Platz. The building will be on your left, it’s white and tiled with a bronze statue in front of it. If you hit the river you've gone just a bit too far. The address is Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin.
How to register Documents needed for acquiring a library card: passport and Meldebescheinigung. Further information here. Fee: free of charge.
The Grimm Zentrum of the Humboldt University is a scientific university library, designed by Max Dudler, with a grand hall as main reading room. Access is free and the library is open to the general public, but with reserved spaces for Humboldt university (HU) students and staff. Non-HU members may use the ground floor, first floor, and the seventh floor. Seating in the rest of the building is reserved until 7 pm for HU members. It is open Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 22:00, and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 22:00.
How to get there from BCB Grimm Zentrum is located at Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 1/3, 10117 Berlin. From BCB take the M1 to the Universitätsstr. stop. It is a 54 minute ride; or change twice (bus+S-bahn) to get there in 40 minutes.
How to register Documents needed for acquiring a library card: passport and Meldebescheinigung. Further information here. Pre-registration online is required, follow this link and at the end of the registration, write down the number assigned to you and remember the password. Registration is free of charge. The pass is valid for a year and it is renewable.
What else to bring? Your own padlock (diameter 5-6 mm) for making use of a locker in the basement and a transparent bag for taking your belongings into the library. These items can also be purchased on the spot – budget some 12 EUR for this, in coins (a padlock for 6,90 EUR and a HU transparent bag for 4,90 EUR).
Search engines Primus Gateway Note: access to licensed online full-texts is available for non-HU members only on the premises of the Grimm Zentrum.
The Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin (ZLB) is the largest public library in Germany. Amerika-Gendekbibliothek is one of its two branches and it based in Kreuzberg. The other ZLB branch is located in Mitte, where Baynatna the Arabic Librarycan also be found. ZLB covers about 3 million media. The Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek focuses on humanities, fine arts, music. It has a piano room, a collection of newspapers in many languages, literature in Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Italian, Kurdish etc, a nice cafe and computer work stations.
How to register
Documents needed for acquiring a library card: passport and Meldebescheinigung. Further information here.
Fee: 10 EUR/year
Note that access to the library is free and it can be used as a working space without having a pass. Borrowing items requires registration (pass). The same pass can be used to make use of all public libraries in Berlin.
How to get there from BCB
Take the M1 down to Oranienburger Tor and then continue on the U6 until Hallesches Tor. It's about an hour away from BCB.
EOTOs Bibliothek ist ein Ort für Recherche zu afrodiasporischer Literatur, Philosophie und Kultur und bietet mit dem Sankofa BRD/SankofaDDR Archiv eine einmalige Sammlung von Primärquellen zu Schwarzer Deutscher Geschichte zur Wendezeit. Der Bestand der Präsenzbibliothek kann nun auch über den OPAC-Katalog auf dieser Webseite eingesehen werden.
How to get there from BCB EOTO is located in Wedding at Togostraße 76, 13351 Berlin. It takes about 40 minutes to get there from BCB (bus 150 and tram 13).
a centre for research, information, and education concentrating primarily on youth cultures. It was founded in 1997 and has so far collected an extensive range of media all around youth cultures. Our library includes more than 8000 books, 40.000 fanzines and magazines, thousands of layout flyers, newspaper articles, badges, CDs, DVDs etc, and more than 600 thesis about youth cultures. Our field work includes: organizing and presenting exhibitions (more than ten in the last seven years, for example “50 Years Bravo – 50 Years Youth Cultures in Germany”, “30 Years Punk in Germany”, “Young immigrants in Berlin”, “Urban Art”, “Holocaust in Comic” and others about antisemitism of today); and for the last ten years, offering educational workshops, for example our main project “Culture on the Road”, which deals with discrimination like the right wing movement, racism, sexism, homophobia and antisemitism.
How to get there from BCB Archiv der jugendkutluren e.v. is located in Kreuzberg at Fidicinstraße 3 | Haus D,10965 Berlin. It takes about an hour to get there from BCB (tram M1 and U6). Pre-registration by e-mail is required prior to visiting the library (see website for further info).
Is a visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge. It provides an instant overview of a topic by showing the main areas at a glance, and papers related to each area. This makes it possible to easily identify useful, pertinent information.
Collaborative tools
♦ Hypothesis Using annotation, we enable sentence-level note taking or critique on top of news, blogs, scientific articles, books, terms of service, ballot initiatives, legislation and more.
An easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Developed by a group of volunteers as open source. ☛ See, for instance, The Programming Historian for a lesson on how to edit audio with Audacity.
Citation tools
♦ Zotero A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
Publishing platforms
♦ Omeka Provides open-source web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits.
Typing tools
♦ LaTeX Is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation.
Conversion tools
♦ pandoc Converts files from one markup format into another one.
♦ Stellarium A free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors.
Directory of further digital resources
♦ DIRT This is an excellent repository of digital tools for scholarly use (most of them are open source).
A collection of different language communities that produce original documentation about Free Software.
Library Info
Research Help
Research Help
Whether you’d like to locate sources more widely in Berlin or learn how to make use of the academic resources available at BCB, get in touch with the librarian at [email protected].
How do I renew books? You can renew books yourself if you go to opac (on-campus access) and login with your patron account credentials. If you have any other questions send an email to [email protected]
I forgot my password to my library account. How can I reset it? Just send an e-mail to [email protected] and we'll re-send you the library credentials.
Can I make a book/DVD purchase suggestion? Gladly. Log onto opac with your patron credentials and click on “your purchase suggestions” tab, on the left-hand side of the menu. Fill in the form and send it us. Or send an e-mail with author, title and ISBN to [email protected]
Can I donate my books to the BCB Library? Gladly. We are constantly expanding our collections through purchases and donations (clean copies of books that further strengthen our specialized collections). Please be in touch with the librarian at [email protected].
How do I find a book in the BCB library? • Step 1: Go to the computer (under the stairs in the room next to the circulation desk) or go straight to opac, the BCB library catalog (accessible only on campus), and search the catalog. Enter the name of the author or the title of the book. For instance:
Susan Sontag: On Photography
• Step 2: Look for the call number
770 Son 1979
• Step 3: Go upstairs, look at the table of contents on the doors of each room
Room 4: 700 - Arts (continuation)
• Step 4: Bring the book(s) to the circulation office downstairs for check-out.
How can I find relevant literature on JSTOR and EBSCO?
For JSTOR, a digital library with academic content (peer-reviewed articles, e-books, primary sources), visit Access is available only on campus and no password is required for accessing it.
You will notice that the default database to be searched is set to Academic Search Premier. This is one of the many EBSCO databases; add more by clicking on the link above the search box.
A few tips and further clarifications regarding EBSCO. It may be very useful to limit searches to text that can be downloaded (for instance, right after the first search, go to the left pane, and refine your search by limiting it to "linked full text" or "full text"). Click on PDF Full Text to download accessible content. Please disregard the "interlibrary loan" and "request item" functions.
How do you classify books in the library? We use the Dewey Decimal Classification System to catalog our items. Below is a general guideline to help you navigate the library if you are looking for a specific category of books.
Room 1 000 - Generalities 100 - Philosophy and Psychology 200 - Religion 300 - Sociology and Anthropology 310 - General Statistics 320 - Political Science
Room 2 320 - Political Science (continuation) 330 - Economics 340 - Law 350 - Public administration 360 - Social services; associations 370 - Education 380 - Commerce, communications, transport 390 - Customs, etiquette, folklore
Room 3 400 - 490 Language 500 - 590 Natural Sciences and Mathematics 600 - 690 Technology (Applied Sciences) 700 - 780 Arts
Room 4 700 - Arts (continuation)
Room 5 800 - Literature * 810 - American literature 820 - English and Old English literatures 830 - Germanic literature 840 - French literature
Room 6 840 - French literature (continuation) 850 - Italian literature 860 - Spanish literature 870 - Latin literature 880 - Greek literature 900 - History and Geography
In the lounge you will find a growing film collection with over 1,500 DVDs.
* exception: for easy access, 804 – children's literature – is located in the lounge, on the ground floor.
Founded in April 2012, Rails Girls Berlin is the daughter of the worldwide non-profit organization Rails Girls that started in Finland. [...] We are trying to change the gender imbalance by giving women the opportunity and a community to start learning to code. [...] We make coding social by creating a communicative and cooperative atmosphere around it. Our workshops kick off with an installation get-together, are provided with food that attendees bring along to share and end with an after-party.
Die Heart of Code richtet sich an alle PyLadies, und RailsGirls, JavaLassies und 3D-Feen, Gamerinnen, Arduinas, NetzwerkNixen, LötGören, RaspberryRabaukinnen und alle anderen Frauensternchen mit Interesse an Bits, Bytes und Basteln.
We publish novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community of editors, writers, and readers.
Are you looking...
Are you looking...
… to borrow a Hacking Box for non-commercial purposes/for teaching a class?
Technologiestiftung in Berlin is lending Hacking boxes for free, more details here. What's in the box?
more than 20 Arduinos, Makey Makeys, Raspberry Pi 2&3 and Calliope minis
over 200 sensors, modules, servos, LEDs, etc.
any combination of devices and components possible
suitable for children, teens and adults
… for toolkits & guides on digital security in human rights?
Tactical Technology Collective has run a two-year program on this. Further information here.
Hypotheses offers members of the humanities and social science academic community a platform from which they can directly communicate with a wide readership. The very format of the blog offers opportunities to experiment with new forms of academic writing and new ways of doing science that give pride of place to openness, sharing and collaboration. The platform hosts different types of individual or collective blogs: researcher blogs, fieldwork blogs, seminar blogs, newsfeed blogs, thesis blogs, popular science blogs, etc. Opening a blog is free and subject to two main conditions: possessing an academic affiliation and a clearly defined publishing project.
... to borrow e-books?
At Internet Archive you can borrow e-books (in different digital formats) for two weeks. Up to five books at a time. Alternatively, you can borrow e-books through the public libraries in Berlin.
... to detox your digital self?
Tactical Tech has developed an eight-day Data Detox Kit to reduce Data Traces online. Further information here.
... for a CryptoParty?
CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one. CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web, and general security advice regarding computers and smartphones. To try the tools and apps directly at the CryptoParty, bring your laptop or smartphone.
an online database of digital publications from the visual arts, focusing on overlooked ephemera such as artists’ ebooks, podcasts, filmed lectures, field recordings, typefaces, PDF journals and software. By indexing these non-traditional publications according to Open Archives standards, depositing their metadata into the WorldCat database, and archiving the original files in secure cloud storage, Library Stack works within a post-custodial paradigm to provide a portal between independent publication platforms and library patrons. Institutional subscribers can access full-text search, direct downloads, discovery layer integration and commercial ebook lending.
a local offline network for distribution of digital texts, that allows local communities to build and share their electronic text collections. Bibliotecha relies on a small computer (a RaspberryPi) running open-source software to serve ebooks over a local and open WIFI hotspot. Using the browser to connect to it, one is given the option to retrieve or donate ebooks that Bibliotecha node.
Is an artist’s books virtual publisher. Our books are free and downloadable from the internet so that you can print them at home. Most of our books are exclusive productions. The others are reeditions of works who are free of any kind of rights.
XPPL is a project aimed at people who are studying the field of media culture, or as we like to call them: knowledge comrades. This digital library gathers all the books and articles floating around on the shelves of the Piet Zwart Institute, and our hard drives and memory sticks, so that they can be shared, annotated and grouped together into stacks... Its web interface hosts a curated catalogue of books and articles, and its distributed architecture provides instances for uploading and downloading.