Artist workshop and intervention in Ariella Aïsha Azoulay's exhibition: Errata
Tuesday, October 13, 20201.30 - 3.30 pm CET
Hanan Toukan’s class on "Postcolonial Politics: The Middle East and Beyond" is inviting students to join the seminar on a workshop at A.L. Berlin, BULBUL.
In this workshop, students will visit the exhibition ERRATA held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt independently, in small groups. Their visit will be guided by an assignment that will include different questions and interventions in the exhibition. One of the tour's focuses will be seeking ways and experimenting with ways of communications that involve bringing fellow students who are abroad and unable to attend Bard in person into the tour and the group experience.
In the following meeting at Bulbul Al Berlin*, the students will work with their impressions from the exhibition and examine their connections to the narratives, histories, and objects they encounter at the exhibition, together with materials and objects they will be asked to bring to the meeting. During the workshop, students will question their relations to immigration, movement of objects, ideologies, historical narratives, and the constructions of identities; they will ask how to tear the threads of connections and weave them in new world orders.
Hagar Ophir, artist, curator, and research assistant for Ariella Azoulay's work on show at the HKW will be leading the two workshops with the students.
Students interested in participating in the workshop are required to visit the show beforehand.
Students will also be reading chapters from Azoulay's newest publication Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism.
Please email Hanan Toukan by Oct 6 at the latest in order to receive the assignments to be taken to the exhibition.
Email: [email protected]