Bard College Berlin News
From Berlin to Bogotá: Prof. Dr. Nina Tecklenburg completes Short-Term Faculty Mobility Fellowship in Colombia
She deepened her collaboration with Universidad de Los Andes colleagues Carmen Gil Vrolijk and Pedro Salazar, co-instructors of the course along with colleagues from Bard College Annandale, Central European University Vienna, Birkbeck London, and University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg.
Tecklenburg built on their previous collaborative project from January 2024, “Why Dig Up Graves?”. The fellowship intensified the partnership and expanded the set of theater and performance-related approaches that “proved to be a highly productive tool for teaching, learning, and practicing collaboration in a global context.”
In addition, Tecklenburg attended art and technology-related events throughout the city, allowing her to become more acquainted with Bogotá’s cutting-edge art scene. She attended the media-art festival Domo Lleno + RealMix 0.4 by Línea de Arte, Ciencia y Tecnología de Idartes co-organized by Renzo Rospigliosi Bustamente, a former Performance and Digital Culture student and a current teaching assistant of the course.
This spring, Tecklenburg’s colleague Carmen Gil Vrolijk from Bogotá will visit Bard College Berlin on an OSUN Short-Term Faculty Mobility Fellowship. Gil Vrolijk will teach a workshop on live video and present her artistic work, which she has been devising with her transmedia performing arts ensemble La Quinta del Lobo since 2010.
Post Date: 02-10-2025