Bard College Berlin News
What does it mean to say that theater is post-pandemic? Nina Tecklenburg co-edits Hybrid Futures: Theater and Performance in the Post/Pandemic Anthropocene
The issue is co-edited with Ramona Mosse (Zurich University of the Arts, former BCB guest faculty), Miriam Felton-Dansky (Bard College Annandale), Carmen Gil Vrolijk (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá), and Seda Ilter (Birkbeck University of London).
Their editorial perspective harkens back to the rich history of digital and hybrid performance-making, starting in the 1960s with algorithm and computer based visual arts and the upsurge in digital and hybrid performance in the 1990s that emerged with the spread of personal computers. It looks into the future of digital aesthetics and collaborations between humans and computers.
This volume features contributions on: the changing perceptual and epistemological conditions of digital theater in the context of social VR (E.B. Hunters); framing devices that highlight the theatricality of an online event (Lin Chen); the opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable future of hybrid theater (Nina Mühlemann, Celestine Widmer, and Yvonne Schmidt); the reconceptualization of theater as an epistemological apparatus (Ulf Otto); the interaction between pandemic and ecological themes in an artistic research collaboration (Pushpa Aranbindoo and Nicola Baldwin); data embodiment as a communicative and artistic method (Lins Derry); the precariousness of independent performing arts (Thomas Fabian Eder).
Read the issue's introduction, "Framing hybrid futures in the Anthropocene," co-written by Tecklenburg, and the full-text, open access journal on Talyor & Francis Online.
Post Date: 07-04-2023