Annette Loeseke
PhD in Art History
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Annette Loeseke is an art historian with a research focus on museum studies and curatorial studies. Her research interests include critical museum studies; curatorial ecosystems; empirical visitor/stakeholder studies; and cultural-political activism. Her current research deals with curatorial experiments about mining colonial photographic archives and exhibiting agency, protest and resistance. She was a Scholar-in-Residence at Cornell University's Institute for Comparative Modernities in Ithaca, NY, and a Senior Visiting Fellow at University College London (UCL) in Qatar. As a lecturer in museum studies at New York University (NYU) Berlin, she co-convened the conference Rethinking Museums Politically at Technical University Berlin in 2017 and the panel discussion Decolonize Mitte! Berlin's Humboldt Forum, Museum Island and the Palace at NYU Berlin, in collaboration with Humboldt University in Berlin, in 2018.PhD in Art History
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Recent publications include the chapters Challenging the Framing of 'Asia' and the Role of the KVVAK (Royal Dutch Asian Art Society): The Asian Pavilion at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (in Kunsttexte, special issues, ed. by Iside Carbone and Helen Wang, in print), Transhistoricism: Using the Past to Critique the Present (in Simon Knell, The Contemporary Museum, 2019) and Experimental Exhibition Models (in Suzanne MacLeod et al, The Future of Museum and Gallery Design, 2018).