Aslı Vatansever
PhD in Sociology
University of Hamburg
Aslı Vatansever (PhD University of Hamburg, 2010) is a sociologist of work and social stratification with a focus on precarious academic labor. After she was dismissed from her office as associate professor and got banned from public service in Turkey for having signed the Peace Petition of the Academics for Peace in 2016. She was hosted as a guest researcher at the Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient (October 2016-May 2017) and at the Centre Marc Bloch (June-July 2017); as a Scholar Rescue Fund Fellow at the Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies at the University of Padova (September 2017-August 2018); as a research associate at the Re:Work Institute of the Humboldt University, Berlin (September 2018-August 2020), and as a guest lecturer at the University of Padova (October-December 2020).PhD in Sociology
University of Hamburg
Her books include Ursprünge des Islamismus im Osmanischen Reich. Eine weltsystemanalytische Perspektive (Hamburg: Dr. Kovač, 2010), Ne Ders Olsa Veririz. Akademisyenin Vasıfsız İşçiye Dönüşümü (Ready to Teach Anything. The Transformation of the Academic into Unskilled Worker, Istanbul: İletişim, 2015 – co-authored with Meral Gezici-Yalçın), and At the Margins of Academia. Exile, Precariousness, and Subjectivity (Brill: 2020).
Dr. Aslı Vatansever
E-Mail: a.vatansever[at]