Philip Euteneuer
BA in Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought '17
Currently: Working in research and education on economic and organizational democracy at Humanistic Management Practices
Where are you from originally and which program were you enrolled in at BCB?BA in Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought '17
Currently: Working in research and education on economic and organizational democracy at Humanistic Management Practices
Berlin, originally "Value Studies" at ECLA* then Humanities, Arts and Social Thought
Looking back, what did you most enjoy about your time at BCB?
I enjoyed the conversations with other students, the small cohorts, and shared courses. Some professors/teachers had a big impact, Michael Weinman and Florian Duijsens come to mind.
How would you describe, in a nutshell, the experience of studying at BCB?
It was an ambiguous time. We were presented with lots of interesting thoughts and texts but I wasn't yet ready to take them all up, remember them and integrate them into other life-areas. Only later did I realize that it shaped my way of thinking without me noticing or being able to remember many of the specific details form lectures or texts. Living off-campus felt like missing out, if I could go back I'd try to spend more time on campus with the people there.
Write briefly about one of your courses that left a lasting impression on you.
From Buzzfeed Listicle to Lyrical Essay. This was great: A smart teacher, a handfull of student who enjoyed texts and had sharp minds, and together we went through a bunch of fun and surprising texts. We studied different text formats, especially online writing, and wrote ourselves about pop-culture and everyday things but always bringing in all we learned in other classes.
How has BCB influenced the path you've taken since completing the program?
It made me curious and open to many different and even opposing ideas and viewpoints.
Where are you now and what are you doing?
I'm still in Berlin, working in research and education on economic and organizational democracy at "Humanistic Management Practices", trying to make the world a fairer more sustainable place.
Any advice you would give to students considering BCB?
While deciding for a college there are many factors to consider. One of those is surely the geographical location of the colleges you consider: City or countryside, abroad or domestic - such questions will and should influence your decision, but they should not have a higher priority than the questions concerning the colleges themselves. Bard College Berlin will benefit from students who are not merely interested in Berlin, but are passionate about the ethos of the place, its classes and its community. If you're unsure it is the college for you, really look at the syllabi of the past years. Also speak with some students if you can - that's the most reliable way to get a feeling for the kind of people you'll encounter there and the sort of questions that drive the community. The students will also be able to tell you what it's really like to live in Berlin, it may be different from what you imagine.
Read an interview with Philip on BCB's student blog>>
*ECLA was the historical name of the College until November 2013